Sunday, 14 June 2015

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams was an american photographer best known for his photos of the American west and exspecially yosemite national park. Adams professional breakthrough followed the publication of his first portfolio, Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras. The portfolio was a success, leading to a number of commercial assignments. Between 1929 and 1942, Adams’ work and reputation developed. He achieved financial stability from selling over one thousand unique prints of the moon rising above a village taken just before the attack on peal harbour.In his later life s photography became more popular his work began being shown in museums and gallery's.
Golden gate before the bridge

In this photo you can see how Ansel Adams has used black and white to emphasis the shapes and contrast between the edges of the zones within the photo. He has also taken up two thirds of he photo with sky, this leads to the very vast and open feeling that this photo has.

Tetons and the snake river

This is one of Ansel Adams more famous photos. In this photo you can really see the different zones within the landscape. I feel that this photo benefits from being black and white as it keeps it uncluttered from colour and emphasises the textures . I also find it remarkable how he managed get everything just right when he only had a limited number of negative plates.

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