Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Steve McCurry

Steve McCurry was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He studied film at Pennsylvania State University, before going on to work for a local newspaper. When McCurry made his first of what would become many trips to India he went around with little more than his clothes and his camera. After much traveling he found himself crossing the border into Afghanistan where he brought the world it's first insight into the war going on there. He has since been all over the world and received multiple prestigious awards for his work.

In this photo he has used a very high aperture such as f16 in order to get the both the foreground and background in focus. It is also under saturated which makes the light that is being cast into the valley more prominent. His use of the broken wall in the foreground also makes the valley seem more distant and just out of our reach.

In this photo Steve mcCurry has also used a high aperture and a low shutter speed which has caused the person to be slightly out of focus. i also like how he has not waited for the people to leave the shot before taking the photo which makes it seem more natural.

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